
Frequent visits to the mountain tops had become a journey too familiar for Ms. Tanyala Moshoeshoe as she believed that worshiping from the highest peak would sustain, strengthen and even upgrade her livelihood. On each escapade, she would find herself conversing with invisible human beings which she believed to be her ancestors.

To her amazement, sometime later she started feeling pains on her lower abdomen and fell ill. The diagnosis revealed that she had gigantic fibroids, cysts and polyps in her uterus. This problem affected her because she was always moody and her uterus was bulging. She also experienced discharges from her private parts and the worst was that her periods which were prolonged to three weeks every month. The only alternative she was given by doctors was to go through an operation. In the year 2011, the fibroids and cysts were removed but only to grow back again and this time worse than the former ones. The doctors were left in awe as this situation appeared to be beyond their comprehension. Ms. Moshoeshoe was left at cross roads not knowing where to turn to.

It was due to these hardships that she decided to come to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in the year 2013. The messages and testimonies shared by her fellow brethren gave her courage and assurance that her situation was not beyond God’s reach. On one fateful day, she was arranged for the prayer-line where God sent the power of fibroids and cyst into disarray. She also received a word of prophecy that there was idol worshipping where she came from which she confirmed to be true.

Two weeks later, discomfort in her lower abdomen sent Ms. Moshoeshoe to the rest room where she felt contractions and a lot of blood was exuding from her private parts. She delivered all the fibroids and cysts that has been tormenting her for so many years, and her healing was confirmed by the medical reports that followed after her experiences. An elated Ms. Moshoeshoe glorified God, confirming that she is now a free woman, her menstrual cycle is normal and her uterus is no longer bulgy.

“Whatever situation you be facing, you should believe God and wait in Him for solution”, advised Ms Moshoeshoe.

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