Prophet Cedric Ministries Watermark

While at work in March 2015, Mrs Happy Ogolotse felt a very sharp pain from her waist that radiated through her spine. She was immediately rushed to the hospital for medical attention but the doctors could not fathom the cause of her sudden ordeal. Mrs Ogolotse was then referred to several specialists who came to the conclusion that she was experiencing chronic muscular skeletal pain. The pain had affected her so much that she could not perform her normal duties at home and work. She could not cook for her family, do the laundry or even drive. She could not stand for a long period and her performance at work was also deteriorating. To lessen the pain, the doctors gave her all sorts of pain killers but the problem persisted.

On the 10th of October 2016, Mrs Ogolotse came to the Gospel of God’s Grace for the One on one prayer line where she was privileged to be prayed for by the Prophet Cedric. Through that touch, the pain that tormented her was instantly annihilated by the power of God. On the 26th of October 2016, she visited the hospital and the doctors confirmed that indeed, she was healed! Expressing gratitude to God for putting an end to the agonies that had rendered her useless, the joyful and healthy Mrs Ogolotse demonstrated before the congregation of her freedom! She can now do that which she could not do because of the affliction. She can now drive her car, cook for her family and even do the laundry, furthermore she can stand up for as long as she wishes all to the glory of God.

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+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

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From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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