Prior to her coming to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries, the life of Mrs. Barbara Gaopongwe was characterized by heavy drinking of alcohol and cigarrete smoking. For thirty years, these poisonous substances were the order of her day; she would commence her day and end it with these intoxicating stuff. In a day she would drink gallons of alcohol and smoke at least ten cigarettes. Consequently, this heavily affected her finances as most of her money was spent on feeding the addiction. Many of her plans to progress in life became stagnant as the addictions continued to drain her finances.

For twenty-six years, she had been in a relationship but nothing was coming forth out of it. The couple had tried on several occasion to tie the knot all to no avail. After years of struggling to walk down the aisle, marriage became a far-fetched dream for them. As if that was not enough, the addiction gave rise to the spirit of lust that eventually developed into masturbation which in turn rendered her love life useless. Through a relative’s invitation, Mrs. Gaopongwe visited 3G Ministries and her life was never the same. According to her, just by stepping in the church, she was delivered from an age-long addiction to alcohol and smoking! She has been free for almost four years now.

Since then, Mrs. Gaopongwe has never looked back; she reformed her character and stood steadfast in the ways of the Lord. Now a new creation in Christ, she finally managed to complete the houses that she could not finish for more than fifteen years. She was also able to renovate one of the houses and purchase a vehicle; a double cab Nissan Hard body. Moreover, God touched her love life and promoted her from a spinster to a wife. What was impossible for them for years, because possible through God. Narrating her story with the humility and poise fit for a wife, she attested to the church of newness of her spirit that she believes invoked her husband to propose marriage early this year. Giving glory to God for the smooth proceedings of the marriage arrangements, she indicated that the Living water was her companion all the way through to the nuptials.

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