Raped, molested, rejected and despised! Such words can easily paint the canvas of his mother’s addled upbringing. At just 13 years young, by then just a budding primary school going girl, she was sexually abused by her relative and that sparked the establishment of torment in her life. She grew up into an isolated and troubled teenager who battled with acute mood swings and a gravely spirit of anger. Many decades later, the spirit snarled its head and landed her in a psychiatric hospital where she was slapped with a diagnosis that was unthinkable yet very probable- depression! With a daily take from her smorgasbord of anti-depressants, she found herself on the borderline of becoming a hopeless mental case! That was only until she met rescue through a prayer from Prophet Cedric in August 2016.

“Something happened to you when you were young, this was around 1982; you were raped and this has caused you severe mood swings. Not only that, but I also see a crown on your son’s head. There is chieftaincy in his father’s lineage, but for him, the crown might not be that chieftaincy but I see one that shows that he will be great.”

That is when, Thabang Ramokate was drawn to the scene as he also received a powerful prayer that spearheaded him towards realizing his God given talents. For a child that grew up troubled and without course, he meddled with drug doping crews and more often than not, his thirst was quenched by the profane drink- beer and the likes! Unruly behavior and wayward tendencies followed him around like hell-bent ticks. He forever found himself in mischief, turning his own mother’s house into a bed and breakfast; checking in and out as he willed with no speck of respect to the landlord of his life.

After he received Prophet Cedric’s blessing, he was catapulted into his dream career which has now made him renowned and a heavy-weight within the present day’s local entertainment industry. Popularly known by the stage name, ‘MJAMAICA’, Thabang has followed through his passion of acting and has garnered followers from all over the world. Although he grew up showing keen interest in ‘acting’, often earning the colors and strides of remarkable performances, he never really grew beyond that. It was only until God used his servant, Prophet Cedric to point him towards the direction of greatness that he followed through. Soon after encountering the man of God, a desire to break through horizons was set ablaze in his heart. He started by recording comic videos impersonating different characters and sharing them with the public through social media platforms. These videos soon became an all-round house brand, reaching to almost 13 million people and attracting over 6 million views.

Such incredible stats were just the beginning because as the young man continued being faithful in his spiritual journey and nourishing it by being in God’s presence time and again for the 3G Ministries regular services, his name grew closer and closer to ‘Greatness’. Very big communication companies and government entities started approaching him, seeking his rare skill to market their various products. In a very short space of time, his face became a regular on billboards, his voice aired on various radio stations and he now even offers motivational talks to different tertiary school going students. His company penetrated beyond the local borders to have his videos played on international television channels and to date, he regularly holds live radio interview sessions in foreign countries. All of these achievements have paid into his pockets, well over P100, 000.00 and he strongly and adamantly points all of this glory to Jesus Christ!

Evidently and unmistakably, God has shown His mercies upon this family. Thabang’s mother is finally free from the evil spirits that tormented her, depression is no longer her portion and her son, whom she had almost given up hope on, has his life set on a good pedestal and he is now driving towards victory in Christ Jesus. She is happy, he is humbled and overjoyed and harmoniously, they assure other believers that there is Grace from above and it is sufficient for all those who believe in Jesus Christ.

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