What started off as a mere waist pain for Ms Joyce Thula’s turned into a dreadful experience that she had to bear for twelve years. Beforehand, she would note a striking pain that would come once in a while radiating to her right leg. Not once had she ever imagined that she would one day be a Lumbar Spondylosis patient! For that reason, her Orthopedics advised her not to do any heavy duty work. Moreover, she was to avoid travelling long distances, sitting and standing for elongated periods. As a social worker by profession, this seemed to be impossible as her line of work required consistent and persistent movement. Although Ms Thula went from pillar to post in search of solution; Orthopedics at least once a month, physiotherapy twice a month and acupuncture every week, her efforts seemed futile.

In 2015, the pain intensified leaving Ms Thula with no option but to resign from her line of work. It was at that time, that the medics gave her a lumbar corset to support her. Even with the use of a lumbar corset, painkillers, and injections, the pain unrelentingly persisted. Having noted the situation at hand, Ms Thula’s daughter invited her to the 2019/2020 Crossover Candlelight service and consequently, she was privileged to be amongst those who were to receive prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Meeting face to face with the Prophet of God, she presented her plea, and it was there that the Light of God transcended and flowed into her life expelling all dark entities in her life. Surely darkness has passed she could not do now all for the glory of God.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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