Failure has never been her concern since she started school. Superbness and eminence were her virtue. She was an upright young girl who had her eyes only on her academics and always scored high marks in her studies. Upon arrival at junior school she befriended people who did not have the same goals as hers. Their interest was only on the latest news about celebrities and social media. This hit hard on the young Kopo Charakupa’s academics. Soon she dropped from an A to a B and eventually to pathetic C’s and D’s. It took Kopo eons to realize that her character and association were an enemy to her academics. She drowned in her bad habits and letdowns like that until someone invited her to 3G Ministries in 2014 when she was doing grade 10. She came in time when the PPS initiative was in place. Like her peers, she seized the opportunity and became part of the initiative.

She excitedly explained that this is how she located her destiny as the messages of the man of God admonished her to change her character and focus on her studies. By the grace of God she improved and at the end of JC she did well. Kopo continued working hard throughout her senior school, but she was always limited to 38 points. To add salt to the wound, the enemy struck her with Tuberculosis when she was about to write her final examinations. Nonetheless her eyes remained fixed on the trophy, she knew that she was a winner in Christ Jesus, so none of this shook her or deterred her from working hard towards realizing her dream. She soldiered on believing God for a way out and indeed God came through for her.

When the results came out she had scored 43 points from the 38 points she used to score all to the glory of God.

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