Growing up, Mr Batswana Basimolodi got sidetracked from his ultimate goal of building himself a bright future. He developed an addiction to alcohol and smoking marijuana in the year 2005. The addiction gradually grew to the extent that He found himself trying by all means to quit but all to no avail. The more he tried to quit, the more hooked he was. By the time he was in his mid-twenties, Batswana was already a prisoner of alcohol and it became the chief contributor to the misery he went through in life. He explains that he often times gave alcohol drinking and buying marijuana first priority while everything else came second.

His addiction was so deep that he would develop the edge to drink smoke marijuana almost every day and immediately after work. To him, there was no wrong in his deeds; he simply believed that he was enjoying his life but unknown to him, there were malevolent forces which had enslaved him, he therefore tried by all means to stop but utterly failed. This brought shame unto him, he had nothing to show; no victory but only failure in everything he did. His hard work bore no fruit because a large portion of his monthly earnings were spent on alcohol and marijuana. In the aftermath, anger rose within him and this had affected his character as he would often times find himself at loggerheads with his family.

In seeing this, Batswana’s friends invited him to 3G Ministries with faith that he would receive his deliverance- knowing that the defeat of his habits were beyond human efforts. Consequently he found himself frequently commuting from Gaborone to Kopong, as he had found solace in attending services. The powerful teachings from Prophet Cedric propelled him to keep coming back for more. They penetrated deep into his heart, making him what he is today, free from all bondage. Ever since that day, his problems came to end. Both alcoholism and smoking marijuana ceased. Today, Mr Batswana is full of life, he has peace and joy. During his testimony, he recalled how the problems, especially that of smoking marijuana had tormented his life for almost a decade.

Thanking God, he added that since his deliverance, life has been very favorable. As a worker in a financial institution, he has managed to further his studies and is doing exceptionally well in all his modules.

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