The only remedy the doctors could offer to the seemingly impossible condition to him was to surgically remove the warts in his mouth. He had been tormented by mouth warts for almost a year. His mother constantly took him to the hospital for medical attention but all proved futile. Every time she took her son to see the doctors they will only give the young boy pain killers and the medicine to lower his temperature as he was oftentimes feverish. This infirmity has also affected the young boy’s academics as most of the time he was absent from school attending medical check- ups. For a year this was the sad life of a young boy, Onalethata Maribola of Kang.

The condition continued like that until the doctors suggested that the young lad undergoes an HIV test and the mother helplessly agreed so as to find out what could be the problem. The results came out negative; lost for solution the doctors then suggested that the warts be removed through laser treatment. His mother being a faith woman believed that God will see her ailing son through, so she brought him to the arena of Grace, where they were privileged to meet God in the prayer line through the faculties of the man of God Prophet Cedric.

During that service Onalethata’s mother cried like the blind Bartemeaus seeking God’s mercy on her son. Upon hearing her cry the man of God alluded that the warts were not a sickness but a curse pointing out that they needed a spiritual intervention, after which he prayed for the young boy in the name of Jesus Christ. Thereafter, the mother narrates that two weeks later after prayer, the warts disappeared from his mouth on their own without the laser treatment that the doctors previously suggested. Since Onalethata received prayer from the Man of God, he has never experienced the warts again and it’s been months now.

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