“I see someone being disturbed by snakes.” These are words of prophecy revealed by the man of God Prophet Cedric in the steer of the Holy Spirit. In confirmation of the word, Ms. Sekgabo Dikgole had this to say.

“From the year 1992, I had been seeing snakes. Due to this, I developed a deep fear of them and I took all measures to avoid any possible encounter with snakes. From keeping my house closed at all times, to planting snake-repelling trees and pouring pungent smelling substances all over the yard, I did it all. Yet as the years went by, the fear of snakes only intensified.
There have been times in the past where I would even feel as though a snake was on top of my leg, only to find that it was my imagination. In one instance, I drove over something and when I went to check, it was a snake! Standing on its tail and face to face with me, it started spitting poison but by the grace of God, I managed to escape unharmed! So the whole encounter even made me more afraid! In fact, the situation worsened as now I would even see the snakes in my dreams, biting my neck and toes.

Like I said, the door and windows of my house were never opened because I was afraid that the snakes would enter. Besides that, I would always perceive an overpowering smell of snake in my house. If I ever visited anyone’s house, I wouldn’t sleep over if they as much as opened doors or windows! The chemicals that I applied in order to repel the snakes from coming into my yard but all was to no avail. If anything, they only affected my health as I would experience blocked nostrils and at times have asthma attacks. Moreover, I was always followed by an overpowering odor of a snake. However, ever since the man of God prayed for me I am completely free and delivered from the spirit of a snake! These days, I can open my house windows and doors freely without any worry! The fear of snakes is no more all to the glory of God.”

Contact / Location

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+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

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From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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