
At a young age, Mr. Moleofi was robbed of his innocence by the spirit of lust coupled with masturbation. This spirit sunk its roots in Mr Moleofi’s life and led him to miss out on his true destiny. Though a promising student, he found himself at the zenith of failure leading him to settle for miniature jobs. As years passed, what had begun as mere pubescent whims eventually led to an outlandish lifestyle twined by fornication. At one point Mr Moleofi even found himself in love triangles, one leading to a fight that almost cost him his life. He was stabbed on the head and to cover up the scars he had to grow dreadlocks.

During this time Mr. Moleofi met Mrs. Moleofi who also had her own multiple challenges. Hers was a sad tale of how abject poverty had taken her family to grass level. They were so poor to a point where they had to beg for water from their neighbors. They lived in prehistoric mud houses which made them victims of heavy rainfalls and moth attacks. The severity of the situation at home led to Mrs. Moleofi settling for a job as a security guard in the city and even so, it could not sustain her family for long. Moreover marriage was but a far-fetched dream for her people.

Having gone helter-skelter in search of solution, the dying fortunes of the couple’s lives forced them to visit 3G Ministries. On arrival their lives were automatically changed by the true gospel delivered by Prophet Cedric and since then they never ceased coming to the church. Along the way, Mr Moleofi lost his job as the company he worked for was undergoing liquidation. As a result he struggled a lot to meet his needs and had to depend on the then, girlfriend Mrs. Moleofi who also had financial problems, thus the future looking grim for them.

Following a prophecy by the man of God Prophet Cedric, Mr Moleofi was blessed with a job and when he came before the congregation to testify the Prophet told him that he was yet to see the fullness of God’s blessing in his life. Just as the man of God had said, in no time Mr. Moleofi was blessed with a better paying job which he did not even qualify for, adding on he
even managed to buy himself a car.

On the other hand Mrs. Moleofi also received a prophetic message from the man of God; revealing that the cause of their abject poverty, anti-marriage and stagnation was idol worship that had been a common practice among her people. Mrs. Moleofi came with her sister to confirm the prophetic message and elaborated on their predicament. Upon hearing this the man of God encouraged them not to worry because their case was settled. Furthermore, Prophet Cedric and the 3G Ministries took it upon themselves to sponsor Mrs. Moleofi for a Massage Therapy course.

With joy Mrs. Moleofi attests that after this encounter, her life was never the same; for the first time in her life, she managed to pass with flying colors. She has been hired as a Massage therapist with an improved salary. Moreover, they have managed to build two houses in their yard, her people now have water at their disposal and the spirit of poverty has been expelled for good. To add onto that, she has been blessed with marriage, breaking the curse that had operated in their lives for many years.

“After what God has done in our lives we can say nothing except that the Gospel of God’s Grace challenges and changes everything.”- said Mr. Moleofi sealing off their testimony.

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