For Mr and Mrs Pule child bearing had become a hurdle too hard for them to skip over. They had their first child in 2001 with no hustle at all yet after some time, when they tried for a second child they could not succeed. Mrs Pule would conceive but along the lines be disappointed by bloody stains on her garments; an instant miscarriage. The doctors could not fathom the cause of her inability to carry the pregnancies to term and as such knew of no way to succor. On four counts she lost her pregnancies, and this soon became a cause for concern. As if that was not enough, the affection in their marriage soon died out as Mrs Pule slaved under the mastership of a spirit man. More often than not, the couple would be in the receiving end of numerous questions on when they would conceive a child and this on its own added to their worries. As a man, Mr Pule felt emasculated and could do just about anything to have a child.

In search of solution the couple went from traditional doctors to spiritualists where they were given water and concoctions of sorts for them to consume yet these bore no fruit. When the couple came to present their case to God during the crossover prayer line, they had come to their wit’s end and could only look up to Jesus for solution. A hand’s swipe from Prophet Cedric was enough to provoke a demon that had been hiding in Mrs Pule’s life, causing the constant miscarriages. As the man of God prayed for her, the evil spirit was sent packing setting all things right with her life. Since their deliverance, Mr and Mrs Pule have noted an instant transformation in their lives. Mrs Pule is no longer troubled by a spiritual husband and the affection that was good as dead has been revivified. Moreover, a day after the encounter, Mrs Pule felt an excruciating pain on her waist, as if some sort of operation was taking place, later on, the pain faded; a sign that indeed God had attended to her case.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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