Drug addiction threatened both the health and future of  Mr Daniel Manele who for  17 years  was enslaved to cigarette and marijuana smoking. As a youngster, he began experimenting with life and that’s how he associated with friends who introduced him to smoking when he was only 18 years in 1999.

 At that time he was a boarding student and this addiction affected his character. He had no respect for teachers and would sneak out of the school premises just to go and satisfy his addiction. As a result of his unbecoming manners and lack of comitment to his studies he failed his BGCSE exams dismally. He continued to adulthood as a  heavy smoker and the consequences of drug addiction began to show in his health; he became forgetful and  had dry coughs.The addiction was also hitting hard on his finances as he spent most of his money on cigarette and marijuana. An attempt to quit smoking proved difficult to Mr Manele. 

As Mr Manele laboured under the yoke of the unhealthy habit, one of his relatives introduced him to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries. While listening to the preachings of the anointed man of God a dream to be delivered from smoking developed in him. He gradually accustomed his character to God’s word and his faith grew stronger.

During one Sunday service, he received  the Living Sticker (Be conscious of your dream); after receiving it he prayed and believed that God would deliver him from the problem of cigarette and marijuana smoking. Subsequent to that prayer his life changed. His desire for cigarette and marijuana disappeared and as he continued coming to church he became a better person and his health problems has been reverted. He is no longer forgetful and  coughing. This is nothing but the works of our Lord of Jesus Christ!

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