For five years, Ms Mable Semathane has been suffering from chronic back ache. In search of solution, she went to the hospital where doctors performed an MRI of the whole spine. The result of the scan revealed a bulging and extrusion of the spinal disc and as well, narrowing of the spinal canal. This condition resulted in numbness of the legs and severe pains on the right shoulder which made sitting and standing- a very difficult feat.

Prolonged standing resulted in difficulty when she had to answer to the call of nature; it was so painful, she would only succeed at passing urine when she did so whilst standing up straight. Over and above this, she was in constant need of an extra pair of hands for tasks as simple as lifting her head. Due to this affliction, Mable couldn’t perform any household chores, she still depended much on her family members for assistance.

Doctors recommended the lumbar corset to support her spine and she was also given all sorts of painkillers to help alleviate the pain but the nothing really helped. Due to the problem of the spine, her legs were becoming worse and the doctors now recommended a surgical procedure to try and correct it lest she ends using crutches. Fortunately for her, Ms Mable was located through the medium of the Living Water and immediately, her leg started shaking vigorously. When she rose from the ground, she found herself exercising with ease and that is how she realized that she was healed. For the first time in a while, she needed nobody to assist her when visiting the loo mainly because she could now sit, bend and stretch without a cringe of pain in her body. She has resumed her household chores all to the glory of God.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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