It was in the year 2015 when Dimpho Mosinyi and her son started experiencing health complications in their lives. Ms Mosinyi narrates that it all started when she experienced headaches and dizziness which she took lightly, not knowing that it could lead into an intricate thing; having swollen legs and blackouts, which on the later stages went on to be diagnosed as symptoms of low blood pressure.

This affected Ms Mosinyi’s productivity at the workplace as her occupation required her to stand for prolonged hours. Therefore, from time to time she would be on sick leave and this rendered her incompetent at work. Moreover, this had affected her relationship with her superiors as they would dispute her efficiency and were already well within the process of hiring her replacement.
Simultaneously, for a period of two years, Mosinyi’s son often experienced difficulty in swallowing food and vomiting leading to an under-weight body as a whole. Seeing such a condition, she opted to feed her son with soft and liquids food substitutes but this did not change the situation and to her gen, it was all diagnosed as symptoms of tonsillitis. As a concerned mother, she took her son to specialists who only prescribed medication which was to be given to children with malnutrition even though this wasn’t the case with her son.

Throughout the conditions they both underwent, they kept coming to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries and during one of the Friday services in November 2016, Ms Dimpho received her healing when the congregation was ministered with the Living Water. “For I knew that there is much available power and anointing in the Living Water, I purposed it in my heart that I shall be healed and indeed, I received my healing on that very day” said Mosinyi. Just a week after the ministration of the Living Water, the doctors confirmed that indeed, she had been healed.

Ms Dimpho Mosinyi’s sons received his healing when the duo attended the Francistown for Christ Crusade. Knowing that hope and faith without action is dead, she purposed it in her heart that although she was not able to register her son for the prayerline, she had sufficient faith to receive her son’s healing. True to this is the fact that God never forsakes those who trust in Him therefore three days after the crusade, her son started eating well and his weight gradually picked up. Ms Mosinyi and her son are now completely healed all for the Glory of Christ Jesus!

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