The weariness of living a life bound and burdened by chains of agony was what Ms. Omphemetse Raesima had to bear. For her, what started off as a mere dream of being injected with a needle soon became a gateway to many obstacles. A couple of days after having such a mysterious dream, Omphemetse vividly recalls an unusual pain on her right leg. She started witnessing similar recurrent dreams where she was being injected. However to her utter amazement, though spiritual, this had a physical outcome – incisions marks on her body. Soon, Omphemetse found herself in an undesirable state; bedridden, helpless and without hope. To her dismay, though having visited the medics, they could neither detect nor diagnose any ailment within her.

It was during that time that she started depending on the assistance of her sister to move from one point to the other as she could not walk, let alone perform household chores to the best of her ability. As for her finances, they were nothing to pen down, for her business dismally failed due to her condition. Having noted the situation at hand, her relatives took her from one church to the other in search of solution however, that was to no avail for her anguish persisted.

Against all odds of the unbearable pain that she underwent particularly on the right side of her body, Omphemetse hitched a ride to the 3G Ministries were she received a word of prophecy that revealed the root-cause of all her calamities. “You had a dream, they pinched you with a needle as though injecting you. With that, your right leg is no longer the same they want to render it useless,” said Prophet Cedric. Omphemetse stood to confirm that indeed the genesis of her predicaments can be traced to the dream she had. However, after receiving prayer in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, healing was restored in her life. By God’s grace, she stood to testify with newfound faith that she is no longer a slave to pain.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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