“You have a serious attack while you are sleeping. You keep feeling as if there is something in your private parts, like something was inserted. There is a place you went and they gave you something in a blue plastic and this was reddish like roots. The spirit of death is now here. The person you met was an elderly man wearing beads and horns. You once dreamt of a white casket,” Prophet Cedric uttered moving in the prophetic realm.

The prophetic message that Ms Mokhurutshe received was an eye opener to where all her predicaments stemmed from. In confirmation, she elaborates that it was after she came to the realization that she could not conceive that drove her to patronize a spiritualist. Proving the prophecy to be spot on, she revealed that the spiritualist was an elderly man adorned in beads and horns. He then gave her a powdered charm to insert in her private parts and since that time, an arm long list of ailments were unleashed. She began to experience an unbearable burning sensation while urinating and felt as if there was a blockage in her private parts. Back pain, fibroids, low blood, vaginal discharge, pain in the ankles and pain in the abdomen were also amongst the handful of sicknesses that riddled her body. Hospital visits had become the norm for Ms Mokhurutshe without yielding any results. The medics were baffled with the lack of a definitive diagnosis to explain the discharge that haunted her. Numerous tests drew a blank and the prescribed medication did not even faze the seemingly stubborn discharge.

Tracing the spirit of death in her life, Ms Mokhurutshe explains that she was always tormented by dreams of the dead and sometimes even talked to them. Her people have been laying to rest one of their own yearly since 2015. She confirms the dream about a white coffin to be nothing but the truth and highlights that it left her shaken and engulfed in fear. The conclusion that she arrived at, was that her sickly grandmother and herself were just about to die. Evidently, the wrath of the spirit of death was widespread in the family because poverty had found a foothold in the family as they even struggled to feed. The grandmother and mother were gravely ill and the responsibility of the primary caregiver rests upon her which proves to caring for the sick parents became solely reliant on the government aid for the elderly. Ms Mokhurutshe’s love life did not escape the grip of the spirit of death as she states that for ten years she was in a relationship but the subject of marriage has never been a topic of discussion.

All the tremendous turmoil that Ms Mokhurutshe endured for years weighed heavily on her and hopelessness was imprinted in her. She saw no way out and resorted to awaiting her final breath. However hope burnt bright after God met her at her point of need through the faculties of Prophet Cedric. After prayer, she glorifies God because since she received an anointed prayer, the dreadful discharge stopped immediately. The pains in her joints and abdomen have also disappeared into oblivion. Her faith for the best that is yet to come has been rekindled all to the Glory of Jesus.

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+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

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From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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