Anti-marriage had maneuvered its way into the family of Ms Maipelo Tuelo, ravaging whatever chance there was of having a “happily ever after”. Generations upon generations remain unmarried or divorced, rarely ever having a grey haired oldster still married. Unfortunately that nearly became the sad story of the Tuelo’s. She would go to bed only to have a horrific experience with a spiritual husband that would leave her en massed with emotions beyond her control; lust being the ill-fated end result. Whenever she was in a relationship, disappointment would occur inexplicably only to witness the nuptial of her former partner barely 2 months later. According to her, she had encountered many frustrations similar to this one and not so surprisingly that would painstakingly depress her.

She carried on with her life like that until she met Mr Jeremiah in 2013. Together they lived way-ward lives ruled by fleshly desires and indulgence in the spirit of lust and fornication. Mr Jeremiah on the other hand, was also haunted by the spirit of lust and spiritual wife, so to him, having multiple relationships was as normal as normal can be.

All these were blotted out by the Word of God, after making their way to 3G Ministries in 2013. Challenged and forced to change by the grace of God, they were moved by the messages of the man of God, fully aware that nobody can come to the knowledge of Christ and remain bound: they had to re-align their lives to the way of the Lord. In 2015, Mr Jeremiah generated interest on making Maipelo his wife but all his intentions seemed to be counter-acted by challenges that would pop up time and again. Financial constraints and peculiar misunderstandings arose when the wedding bells rang but that never demoralized the couple, but instead fortified their desire further.

The following year, Mrs Jeremiah was privileged to receive her long-awaited deliverance from the lust spirit and spiritual husband she was faced with, which eventually led to her fiance’s deliverance. Proving that Heaven was indeed their back up, the Lord opened the doors of breakthrough in both their lives as they were both blessed with jobs at a much higher remuneration thus alleviating them of the financial drag they had previously found themselves in. Accompanied by the weapons of faith, they finally tied the knot and celebrated their wedding in March 2017, all to the glory of the Most High God. Where there was no way, the Lord made a way and for this, glory is due to Him Alone!

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