For three years, One Matong had been suffering from a rare condition which hurled her family into confusion. The young girl suddenly battled with episodes of mysterious attacks which frequently left her encircled by a group of doctors trying to resuscitate her.

The young girl expounded that it all began when she was doing form 2 in 2014 when she suddenly fainted. A week later, the same ordeal re-occurred. These sudden and unusual attacks startled doctors and they concluded that numerous test should be carried out in order to find the root-cause of her frequent collapse. From blood tests to medical x-rays – all came negative. The only thing that was assumed to be the cause of her sudden faints were heart palpitation. With the outcomes, the doctor had concluded that the young lady should avoid getting extremely sad, angry and happy as the worst could happen. This condition restricted her from feeling any extreme emotions; anything from happiness to anger could trigger these attacks. As a child, this affected her because she lived in constant fear of collapsing while interacting with other children. Missing lessons became part of her life and there was a steep decline in her academics due to her situation. Whenever these attacks occurred, she would become weak and spend almost two weeks without going to school trying to recover. For a period of three years, One’s mother had to live every mother’s worst nightmare; she could not do anything but to watch in hopelessness as her daughter battled with a seemingly incurable condition. On the other hand, as a mother this condition had adversely affected her because often times she would receive a phone call being informed that her daughter is hospitalized. Therefore, she had to leave everything she was doing and attend to her urgently.  When all hope was lost, One’s mother could not fold her arms while her daughter’s life was ravaged by this rare condition. She decided to seek refuge from God as her last hope, she came to the 3G Ministries believing that her daughter would get her permanent healing- knowing that Jesus Christ is the best physician the world has ever known. As they arrived in church, One was arranged for the Prayer Line where she received God’s mercy. On the prayerline, she cried out with faith “Man of God please help me I have attacks and the doctors don’t know what the cause is” she was prayed for and declared free in Jesus’ name. Testifying before the congregants, One Matong accompanied by her mother, praised God for healing and restoring her health. According to One’s mother, God has put a new song in her mouth and she will never cease to thank Him for healing her daughter. For the past four months after receiving prayer from the servant of God Prophet Cedric, One has not experienced any attacks; no more collapsing, heart palpitation and inconsistent breathing- Young One is completely free.

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