
Mr Onneile Monnakgotla, an employee with the Botswana Defence Force, serving directly under the gymnastics designation has been, for a long time distressed with back pains. He started experiencing these in 2010 as after each gymnastics engagement, his body would be left reeling in excruciating pains.

When this condition persisted, he decided to seek medical attention, where he was diagnosed with a degenerative disc disease. In short, this ailment was causing a contraction of his back bones. As part of his options for treatment, Mr Monnakgotla had to choose between undergoing physiotherapeutic sessions and undertaking a correctional surgery that could perhaps affect the efficiency of one or both of his legs. When weighing the two, he opted for the weekly massage sessions which also came with prescribed painkillers. Although this provided a temporary solution, the severe back pains continued to torment him.

He languished to a point where he could no longer sit-up straight so this also affected his productivity at work and at home; he could not perform his duties as a husband. Faced with challenges from every possible end, Mr Monnakgotla started frequenting various cults where he was given various remedies which were believed to be powerful, but they too failed miserably and only worsened the situation. It was in 2014 when Mr Monnakgotla started coming to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries through an invitation from a friend who saw the struggle that he was faced with. ”Just by setting my foot in the church premises, I felt so light and thought to myself, this is the right place” said Mr Monnakgotla. Moreover, he further attested to the church that as he continued coming into God’s presence, his back pains were regulated.

Later on, during the One on One prayer line service that was held on the 10th of October 2016, Mr Monnakgotla was finally prayed for by Prophet Cedric. The touch he received proved to be very sufficient for his healing and this was verified by the fact that just a week later, his medical doctors officially declared him free as his back bones have been fully restored to their normal position. Today, Mr Monnakgotla does all that which he could not do before; he can sit-up straight, he can bend sideways without feeling any pains and most importantly he does all his duties as a husband in the house.

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