“I am seeing a witchdoctor in the family. There is a dream you had which relates to what your people do- they are dressed with a leopard skin to ordain them to be witchdoctors and the same spirit has entered you,” uttered Prophet Cedric moving in the prophetic realm.

The prophetic encounter of Mr Mpho Obakeng is the reason he stands before the congregation, confirming the prophecy to be nothing but the truth. He starts off by stating that his family is much invested in traditional practices; whenever children are sick they would use herbs in an attempt to heal them and on some occasion they would congregate as a family to perform rituals. In addition, Mr Obakeng states that currently there is a relative who is practicing as a witchdoctor; performing occultic practices of ‘healing people.’ Acting upon an instruction given in righteousness to confirm the weather unrest on the day he was born he alludes that on the fateful day, there was an awkward change in the weather of abnormal winds blowing as though a storm was about to hit. From a young age Mr Obakeng was troubled by a headache which became a gateway to the introduction of witchdoctors in his life. His relative involved in such practices took him to another witchdoctor where he was marked on his head and instructed that his hair was to be cut by the witchdoctor only. This became the beginning of terror in his life as the very headache worsened. Whenever he got attacked by another episode of a headache he would become weak, unable to fend for himself and unable to perform his duties at work. When seeking medical attention, he was diagnosed with migraine.

With regards to the dreams, he singles out a detailed dream reiterating it as thus, “I had this particular dream this past December, and I saw myself moving around the cattle post with a group of men collecting wood. We came to a tree which gave out an eerily unsettling aura and created a discomfort as we approached it. As I looked up I saw a leopard and it immediately pounced on me aiming to bite my neck. I struggled for long trying to fighting it off and eventually overcame. When I thought that was the end of the dream, I went back to sleep and I saw the man of God – Prophet Cedric confronting me about the leopard and I knew that there was more to it; it was not just a dream.” Mr Obakeng continues to explain that he would have visions flying around different locations helping people out of difficult situations. One thing he mentions is that each time he came across a pregnant woman he would be compelled to tell them the gender of the baby they are carrying-something he considered unusual.

This mysterious occurrence not only affected his health, his career as well as he mentions that he has been working for twenty – two years yet he has nothing to show of it. His marriage is also on rocky grounds as the affection has been affected due to his constant infirmities. After saying a mouthful Mr Obakeng states that he is now convinced that the meaning behind his name was more than what meets the ordinary eye and even his spiritual life attested to that, referring to the particular dream of the leopard that indeed he was ordained a witchdoctor. All this is in the past as now he testifies of his freedom and no longer has the vicious dreams. Good health prevails and the headaches are no more. Mrs Obakeng gives thanks to God and says that her husband is truly healed and their marriage has been revived all for the glory of God.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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