Speeding along the highway under dimmed lights, Mmoloki Majase found himself taking the wrong lane and hence was head on with an oncoming car. At that moment he came face to face with death and all the years of his life flashed right before his eyes before he went unconscious. Screeching off the road, he failed to get a hold of the car and somersaulted down the hill – breaking part of his vertebrae column, particularly in his Thoracic and Lumbar Spine.

Riddled with pain, Mr Majase was tightly bound to a body brace to help piece his broken bones together and to help him walk. It was more outwardly displayed than one would bargain for that this man was in severe pain and all his daily functions were adversely affected. Bending or walking easily became a far-fetched dream for Mmoloki. Each step he took had to be taken with extra caution lest he send an unwanted ripple of pain down his spine, sending him to the floor in utter pain. Having seen the great difficulty Mr. Majase was in, a passer-by availed himself as a vessel of light and therefore, introduced Mmoloki to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries where he made way to the subsequent Friday Service. As they entered the church vicinity, the Immaculate and fervent Power of God that he felt was enough to light a bulb!

Prophet Cedric, driven and backed up by Heaven spoke the Word that propelled the great movement of change in the church as he preached the Good News. Clad with the heavy and large body brace reflecting a pitiable state, Mr Majase presented his case before God as he pleaded with Prophet Cedric. This encounter for the first time visitor was just what he needed to believe that he indeed had an appointment with the Miracle Worker, Jesus Christ. A few exchange of words followed by a brief yet precise and Powerful Prayer was enough to catapult him man to freedom and healing in the name of Jesus Christ! Twisting and turning with a beaming smile on his face, he attests to the wonder working Power of God that rewrote his story. Thank You JESUS!

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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