From a very religious background, Bakang Leipego had never experienced the Gospel of Jesus Christ at work! That was until it was revealed to him through a dream which he later followed through by attending a service in 3G Ministries. During this service, he received a message that highlighted the value of Giving. He went back home with a self-imposed assignment and that was to give his tithe. Determined and inspired to do the right thing, he managed to give his first tithe.
Lo and behold! The very following week, he received an unexpected salary increase. Now, by virtue of working in a school environment, his children’s school fees were waivered and only a settlement of just 10% of the total fees was what he would fulfill going forward.

He continued coming to the church and from time to time, he would acquire Prophet Cedric’s messages which kept his faith in check. In 2016, the man of God revealed to him that his finances and career would be remembered. As that Word found room in his heart, he adopted a family that was struggling and he began sharing with them monthly groceries. He has been faithfully at this course for two years now and it was only this year when the Word of prophecy manifested in his life.

His supervisors have decided to not only leave him a bus driver but he has now been made a critical inclusion in the teacher aid department. His salary has also been increased and he has finally been blessed with a car, all to the glory of Jesus Christ.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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