For a period of fifteen years, Mrs. Moloigaswe found herself under the wrath of a spiritual husband that had destroyed everything about her love life. She often found herself moving from one relationship to another, some of which would not last at all. Recounting on her past experiences, she narrates that there was a time when she was proposed marriage but all things fell apart for no apparent reason.  Consequently, this brought about the spirit of lust hence she resorted to masturbation so as to satisfy the growing feelings she had for the opposite gender.

Similar was the case for Mr. Moloigaswe who was also affected by a spiritual wife which had robbed him the desire to get married. Due to an ingrown lust he got engaged in multiple relationships leading to an ill-fated love life. While searching for relief, he fell into a pit of alcohol addiction, which fuelled the spirit of lust and immoral behaviour. Seeing that his character did not bear any fruits, he sought for solution from spiritualists who would only give him remedies that would worsen the situation he found himself.  During this time of toiling and want, he ultimately met his wife who was his then girlfriend; however the anti-marriage spirit continued to ring a strident bell in their lives, though they desired to get married in many occasions it never materialized.

Having exhausted all carnal efforts of finding permanent solution to their fading love lives; they wondered where solution could be found. In the year 2014, they were introduced to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries. Upon making their way here, Mrs. Moloigaswe was privileged to receive a word of prophecy from Prophet Cedric, “You have spiritual husband.”- This was the truth based on her confirmation thereafter. She was effectively delivered from the spiritual husband and this opened the doors to her marriage.

Since they had both received their own deliverances, it was now an easy ride to prepare for marriage. They fruitfully planned their wedding with no hustle or bustle, until they finally celebrated it in November 2016; a total proof that indeed, deliverance is of paramount importance in a Christian’s life.

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