On the 14th of April 2017, Mr Tawanda and ten of his family members set off on a journey to their native land, Zimbabwe for the erection of his late father’s tomb stone. He never knew that an accident was looming ahead within the schedule of their day. According to Mr Twanda, earlier on that particular day something impelled him to pray using the Living Water. Within his prayer was a petition for God to protect them on their voyage, thereby purging his family with the blood of Jesus Christ. Following his prayer was a confession he made that no harm would befall him and his people. The journey commenced and was almost turning out to be a complete success until they reached the outskirts of the Zimbabwean capital, Harare.

Along the way, the driver over took another car and as he was making his way back to his lane, he reduced his speed in preparation to consider the traffic before him. Suddenly, they heard a loud bang on the back of the car and immediately all went blank, the only thing that he remembered was that he heard himself and others screaming the name ‘JESUS.’ Their car over-turned three times and the canopy flew away from the car, causing all passengers at the back to be spilt out. This was without a doubt a cosmic sight that was supposed to claim lives. Mr Tawanda who was among those on the bakkie was thrown six meters away from the scene and as he gained his consciousness he ran quickly to rescue those in the front seats. What is more shocking was the fact that all of them came out alive with no severe injuries. Mr Tawanda could not hide his joy as he expounded that this was nothing but the mighty hand of God upon their lives. “Many who came to witness the accident could not believe that none of us was severely injured, even the police officers who came to assist were more than shocked. The first question they asked was “Do you go to church and where?” As we told them, they said to us, “you people should never leave the God who saved you because all of you were supposed to be dead by now.”

He concluded his testimony by encouraging the congregation to always be vigilant to their conscience as the Holy Spirit calmly speaks through it and to put the Living Water to good use believing God to see them through in whatever situations that they encounter.

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