On the 19th of April 2017, young Honest woke up to a pain in his privates. In no time, he started swelling up and as a result, he was unable to pass urine. His mother immediately rushed him to the nearest hospital for consultation but even after using the pill that was prescribed, young Honest could barely wink. His mother rushed him to a different doctor who as well suspected that the young boy’s urethra was blocked. Doctors gave him different medication but nothing worked instead his situation became progressively worse. He was in tremendous pain. Honest’s mother explained that she had noticed that whenever his son went to the rest room for relief, he would return in a worst state than before. His urine was epileptic. It came and ceased intermittently. Often time, his sleep was rudely disrupted, the pains reaching excruciating levels that the body simply had to wake up. He was always screaming at the top of his voice.

On seeing the severity of his son’s condition, Ms Ndlovu could not fold her arms and watch his son suffer. With no option, the mother rushed to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries, in search for God’s intervention. During the Sunday service as the man of God was praying of the congregation he encountered young Honest. ‘Man of God please help my son he cannot pass urine due to swollen privates. The doctors are saying the only solution is operation. Help us man of God!’ As Prophet Cedric prayed for young Honest, he assured him and his mother that he would be set free from his ailment. He was instructed to take a bottle of water and his healing came spontaneously. After drinking a 500ml bottle of 3G branded water, the young man rushed to the loo. Lo and behold! He could urinate properly.

As he testified in company of his mother, Honest told the congregation that he has been totally healed since the day he received prayer. Now he freely pass urine without excruciating pains. His privates are no longer swollen. ‘Thank you Prophet Cedric for praying for me’ said a joyful young Honest.

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